(Act out packing here)
It took lots of patience. It took lots of work.
But Pharaoh was being a great big jerk.
At last he said, "Yes, take your people now."
And we packed up our toys and our pillows and blankies. (Encourage the children to say something they would pack and pretend to put it in the suitcase.)

We packed up our shoes and our hairbrushes and our crayons.

We packed up our toothbrushes and our socks and our pets.

We packed up everything we could 'cause we had to move fast.

Ten Plagues in Egypt Land
(Words and music by Peter and Ellen Allard, from the CD Bring the Sabbath Home)

Chorus: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 plagues in Egypt Land (repeat)
Blood in the water made the river run red, 10 plague in Egypt Land.
Frogs were jumping in Pharaoh's hair, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.


Creepy crawly, itchy lice, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.
Filthy flies so dirty and vile, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.


The cattle and the horse and the oxen died, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.
Boils and blisters on his skin, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.


The hail rained down from the heavens so high, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.
Swarms of locusts ate the crops, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.
Dark descended in the light of the day, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.


First-born was the final blow, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.
Finally Pharaoh let the people go, 10 plagues in Egypt Land.


We didn't trust Pharaoh, and we thought there was a chance…

That he would change his mind and capture us right back.

But we were on our way to the Promised Land.
So watch out bad Pharaoh, we're a strong Jewish clan! (Children repeat)

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu