.אליָהוּ הןביא, אֵליָהוּ התשׁבּי,  אליָהוּ,  אליָהוּ,  אליָהוּ הגלעָדי, בּנהרָה ביָמֵנוּ יָבא אֵלֵינוּ עם מָשיח בּן דָוד,  עם מָשיח בּן דָוד    

Eliyahu hanavi, Eliyahu hatishbi, Eliyahu hagiladi.  Bimheirah b'yameinu,  yavo eileinu,  im Mashiach ben David.

May Elijah the prophet, Elijah the Tishbite, Elijah of Gilead, quickly in our day come to us heralding redemption. 

מִרִיַם הַנְבִעאה עז בְזִמְרָה בְיָדָהמִרִיַם תִרְקד אִתָנוּ לְתַקֵן אֶת הֵעולַםבִמְהֵרַ ה בְיָמֵנוּ הִיא תְבִיאֵנוּ !אֶל מֵי הַיְשוּעָה, אֶל מֵי הַיְשוּאָה

Miriam tirkod itanu l'taken et ha-olam. Miriam ha-n'vi'ah oz v'zimrah b'yadah. Bimheirah v'yameinu hi t'vi'einu El mei ha-y'shuah; el mei ha'y'shuah!  

Miriam the prophet, strength and song in her hand; Miriam, dance with us in order to increase the song of the world! Miriam, dance with us in order to repair the world. Soon she will bring us to the waters of redemption!

(Hebrew lyrics by R'Leila Gal Berner)

haggadah Section: Hallel
Source: Velveteen Rabbi's Haggadah for Pesach