Eliyahu Hanavi

Fill the fourth cup, and pour a little of your cup into Elijah‘s.

This cup of wine is for the prophet Elijah, whose return, it is said, will herald the coming of the Messiah and liberation for all people on earth.

We rise and open the door wide with hope in our hearts, and we sing to invite Elijah inside. 

Rabbi Neil Gilman says that we open the door at this point of the Seder to perceive that, despite our journey from oppression to redemption tonight, the world has not been redeemed yet. Confronted with reality, we are called to be Miriam‘s and Elijah‘s partners and work for a world in which every nation and every person can celebrate their national and personal redemptions. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: Adapted from Love and Justice in Times of War Haggadah