Song:  Lots and Lots of Matzah!

Elise and Jenette will teach the song to us and then, we will all sing together.  It's a great way to start the seder.  

On Pesach we eat matzah lots and lots of matzah. It's yummy in the tummy lots and lots of matzah  do do do do do do

On Pesach we eat chicken. finger licken chicken. It's yummy in the tummy finger licken chicken and lots and lots of matzah do do do do do do do

On Pesach we eat Gefilte fish. Smelly in the belly gefilte fish. It's yummy in the tummy smelly in the belly gefilte fish. And finger licken chicken and lots and lots of matzah do do do do do do do

On Pesach we eat horseradish. Hot hot hot hot horseradish. It's yummy in the tummy. Hot hot hot hot horseradish and... Repeat  the gefilte fish, chicken, matzah  do do do do do do do

On Pesach we eat charoset. Chop chop chop chop charoset. It's yummy in the tummy chop chop chop chop charoset and... Repeat  the horseradish, gefilte fish, chicken, matzah  do do do do do do do

On Pesach we eat matzah balls. Rolly rolly rolly rolly matzah balls. It's yummy in the tummy rolly rolly rolly rolly matzah balls and .repeat the charoset, horseradish, gefilte fish, chicken, matzah  do do do do do do do

haggadah Section: Introduction