The fourth cup of wine represents our hope for political, economic, intellectual, and spiritual peace in the world.

ALL: To Peace!

Baruch atah Adonai eluhanu melech haolom borei p’ri hagafen

[Pick up Elijah’s cup]

We now offer a glass to Elijah and invite him to join us. Elijah was a teacher who denounced slavery and war. Legend says that one day he will return to lead everyone to peace and freedom. Let us open the door for Elijah so he can bring with him an age of universal peace. When we open the door, we know that Elijah’s task is really our own.

[Open the door for Elijah and watch the wine glass to see if he partakes]

[Pick up Miriam’s cup]

Miriam was a wise and resourceful prophet. Rabbinic stories tell us that when the Israelites made way their way through the desert, Miriam’s well was an oasis for the fleeing people. They stopped and were refreshed by the clear cold water.

Elijah’s cup remains untouched, but we now drink the nurturing water from Miriam’s cup.

[Drink from Miriam’s cup]

haggadah Section: Bareich