
Every year at our Passover seder, we invite a very special guest.

Do you know who it could be? Is it Mickey Mouse? No! (Encourage the children to respond with a group "no.")
Is it Snow White? No!

Is it the Harry Potter? No!
Is it the rabbi or the cantor? No!

It's a very special prophet who goes from house to house on Passover night and has a sip of wine from a special cup put out just for him!

Elijah is his name! Elijah the Prophet!
We'll stand up and face the door and use our
imaginations to welcome Elijah because one day, we
hope very soon, Elijah will come and help to make peace throughout the world!

Let's sing a special song just for Elijah.

Eliyahu HaNavi
Eliyahu hanavi,
Eliyahu hatishbi,
Eliyahu hagiladi.

Bimheirah b'yameinu,
yavo eileinu,
im Mashiach ben David.

May Elijah the prophet,
Elijah the Tishbite,
Elijah of Gilead,
quickly in our day come to us
heralding redemption.

haggadah Section: Bareich