There is an extra cup of wine at the table. This is the cup for Elijah. It is said that Elijah is the champion of the poor and mistreated. He brings hope, cheer, and relief to those in need. There is a legend that Elijah visits every Seder to wish everyone a year of peace and freedom. He is a sign of good tidings and peace.

As we open the door for Elijah, we recognize that Passover is a night for openness. We open our doors to visitors, our minds to learning, and personal growth, and our hearts to those who are less fortunate.

We set a cup for Elijah as we open our front door to greet our honored guest and invite him to join our seder. We pray that he will return to us bringing a time of peace and freedom. May Elijah the Prophet come to us quickly and in our day, bringing a time of peace, freedom, and prosperity for all.

haggadah Section: Hallel