Immediately after 3rd cup of wine: Warsaw ghetto uprising reading from 1952 by Rufus Learsi, Congress Weekly

Elijah’s Visit/Opening the Door – after 3rd cup of wine, after We Remember…

This year, we will open the door as we do every seder. 

While we wish all who are hungry could come inside to join us, we will instead donate food and money to feed the hungry.

This year we will pour out God’s wrath upon the those who know not the path of goodness, of justice, of kindness, and who have not taken care of the vulnerable, the defenseless and the weak.

We open the door to invite Elijah in:

  • Elijah, who turns the hearts of parents to children and children to parents; 
  • Elijah, who represents the hope that we can keep our families together through this crisis;
  • Elijah, the harbinger of a greater day, of the Messiah.
  • Elijah, who falls into the most vulnerable demographic!   

haggadah Section: Hallel