Eggs: They're Not Just for Breakfast!

It is customary to begin the Passover meal with hard-boiled eggs flavored with salt water. The egg is a reminder of the Spring, rebirth and the beginning of a new year. It is also symbolic of life; when combined with the salt water, a symbol of tears, it is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and death. In addition, eggs, unlike other foods, harden when they are cooked, symbolic of our resolve being tested and hardened by our life's trials.

Another year has passed since we gathered at the Seder table and we are once again reminded that life is fleeting. We are reminded to use each precious moment wisely so that no day will pass without bringing us closer to some worthy achievement as we all take a moment to be aware of how truly fortunate we are.

There are many holidays and events to celebrate throughout the year -- birthdays, weddings, etc. -- and they are all opportunities for self-reflection, to reflect on our past, where we have been, and how we will live our lives in the future. In our reflection, may we reaffirm our commitment to lead good and meaningful lives, soften our hearts to those around us, and make peace in the lives of others wherever we go.

haggadah Section: Shulchan Oreich
Source: Adaptation by Brandi Ullian