The egg (flower for vegans) reminds us of spring, when plants are growing and baby animals are being born. Eggs have been symbols of life’s renewal in many faiths throughout history. The egg is a symbol of our potential in life – as individuals, as families, and as communities and nations. Flowers represent our blossoming and blooming as people as we go through new stages in life. Just as an egg needs warmth and love and security to hatch and flowers need care and tending, we need all of these things to grow as well. With love and care between people, we are each more likely to reach our potential.

The bone/beetroot reminds us of the first celebration of Passover, when Jewish families roasted a lamb and ate it with matzah. The blood of the lamb was used to put on the doors of the Jewish slaves’ homes so that punishments intended for Pharaoh would “pass over”.

haggadah Section: Maror