
Kien supiense i entendiense? [Who knows and understands?] 
Alavar al Dyo kreyense. [Praise God the Creator.]
Kwalo son los TREDJE? [What are THIRTEEN?]
TREDJE anyos de bar mizva. [THIRTEEN years for bar mitzvah.]
DODJE trivos de Israel. [TWELVE tribes of Israel.]
ONZE ermanos sin Yosef. [ELEVEN brothers without Joseph.]
DYEZ los mandamientos de la ley. [TEN commandments.]
MUEVE mezes de la prinyada. [NINE months of pregnancy.]
OCHO dias de la milá. [EIGHT days for circumcision.]
SIETE dias kon shabat. [SEVEN days with Shabbat.] 
SEISH dias de la semana. [SIX days of the week.] 
SINKO livros de la ley. [FIVE books of the law.] 
KWATRO madres de Israel. [FOUR mothers of Israel.] 
TRES muestros padres son. [THREE are our fathers.] 
DOS Moshe y Aron. [TWO Moses and Aaron.] 
UNO es el kriador, [ONE is the Creator,] 
Baruh u uvaruh shemo. [Blessed be He and his name.]

Bukharian/Judeo-Tajik (Central Asia)

Sezdakhum kie medonad? [Who knows the thirteenth?]
Sezdakhum man’ medonam! [I know the thirteenth.]
Sezdakhum: sezdah khislatcho. [Thirteenth are the 13 Attributes (of God).]
Duvozdakhum: duvozdah shivtocho. [Twelfth are the 12 Tribes.]
Yozdakhum: yozdah sitoracho. [Eleventh are the 11 Stars (in Joseph’s dream).]
Dakhumin: dakh sukhanon. [Tenth are the 10 Utterances (Commandments).]
Nokhumin: noch mochie zanon. [Ninth are the nine months of pregnancy.]
Khashtumin: khasht rouzi millo. [Eighth are the eight days of circumcision.]
Khaftumin: khaft rouzi khafta. [Seventh are the seven days of the week.]
Shishtumin: shash sidrey mishno. [Sixth are the six Orders of the Mishnah.]
Panjumin: panj sifrey Toro. [Fifth are the five books of Torah.]
Chorumin: chor’ modaron. [Fourth are the four Matriarchs.]
Seyumin: se’e padaron. [Third are the three Patriarchs.]
Duyumin: du’u lavchie gavkhar. [Second are the two Tablets of the Covenant.]
Yakumin: Khudoyi pabun olamin. [First is God, Lord of Heaven and Earth.]  

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Jewish Language Project Passover Supplement