Naomi Levy in her book Einstein and the Rabbi, shares a story of a Bar Mitzvah asking his Bubby for her recipe book as his gift. Over the next year she writes and assembles the book from memories, not just of the dishes but the memories of of years of friends and family gathering at her house to share and celebrate with food. "My attitude towards food centers around bringing people together.... feelings of warmth and love.... a celebration of life. I feel totally inspired by the presence of loved ones, cooking is the creative expression of my love for all of you."

The rabbis insist that anyone who partakes of this world without first giving thanks has stolen from God. Therefore we are asked to show our gratitude through prayer We have many blessings for food after you have eaten. One blessing gives thanks to God for creating "souls with needs". it's a strange blessing, noting that we should be grateful for being born incomplete. Naomi interprets those words by asking the reader to consider how boring life would be if we were created self-satisfied, if we had no desire? If none of the world's pleasures called out to us? The blessing after we eat thanking God for creating "souls with needs" means that eating like we are tonight is a spiritual activity that satisfies and awakens the soul!

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning