We are now ready to answer the very important "fifth question" of the Seder: "When do we eat?!" 

This concludes the first part of the Seder, we will eat dinner and continue after the meal is completed. There is a custom to eat the beitzah (egg) dipped in salt water at the start of the Passover meal. Before we eat dinner we will recite the Passover blessing:

Ba-rukh At-tah Ado-nai, Elo-hei-nu Me-lekh Ha'olam, asher Kide-sha-nu Be-mitz-votav Vetzi-va-nu Al Ach-ilat Pe-sach.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to eat the Pesach.

haggadah Section: Shulchan Oreich