Definition of a "Miracle"

When we read the Pessah Hagadda ,we realize that the release of the Jewish people from slavery has been based on miracles. The burning bush was the first time that H’ has spoken to Moses, the Manna in the desert was the reason the Jews have been able to survive 40 years in the desert and the 10 plagues were the turning point of the story. They caused the Pharao’s decision to let our people go.

But what is a „miracle?“

When Rabbi Yossi comments on the 10 plagues he writes that not 10, but 50 miracles have happened, Rabbi Yehuda says that 200 miracles have happened and Rabbi Akiva comments that there were even 250.

How is that possible? The 10 plagues are described as 10 miracles and not as 50, 200 or 250. 

 The answer is that we need to define „miracle“ before we can say how many miracles have happened. One can say that a miracle is something absurd, something we cannot explain. Another would say that miracles do not happen anymore and only happened in ancient times, e.g. the 10 plagues. But what if miracles happen everyday? We can consider the fact that we wake up, every morning, that we are able to walk, to talk and to speak, a miracle. So if we want to answer the question of how many miracles actually have happened,and do happpen, it’s up to oneselve’s defintion of a „miracle.“

(Susi Fadlalla)

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues