Dedication: Rabbi Barbara Moskow - zikhronah livrakha

This Heska Amuna Synagogue, 5778 Haggadah is dedicated to our colleague and mentor, Rabbi Barb Moskow. She was a catalyst to our recent successful congregational Kallah, and we are ever grateful for her mentorship and support.


Barb was an extraordinary individual who sometimes marched to her own drum, but always focused on getting things done while overcoming any obstacles that might have been in the way. She has served several congregational schools across the country, started her own congregation in Phoenix, and most recently created the Kallah Project, helping and guiding synagogues to successful shabbat kallah experiences.

Barb touched so many of us with her warmth, her passion, her sense of humor and her broad smile. She was the real deal! She leaves a great legacy of accomplishment and a huge hole in our education community.

T'hei Zichra Baruch - may her memory be for a blessing.

haggadah Section: Conclusion