• Had he taken us out of Mitzrayim without carrying out judgements against the Egyptians -
  • Had he carried out judgements against the Egyptians without vanquishing their gods -
  • Had he vanquished their gods without dividing the sea for us -
  • Had he divided the sea for us without leading us across on dry land -
  • Had he led us across on dry land without taking care of us for forty years in the desert -
  • Had he taken care of us for forty years in the desert without feeding us manna -
  • Had he fed us manna without giving us Shabbat -
  • Had he given us Shabbat without bringing us to Mount Sinai -
  • Had he brought us to Mount Sinai without giving us Torah -
  • Had he given us Torah without leading us to the land of Israel -
  • Had he led us to the land of Israel without building the Temple for us - Dayyenu

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu