Dayenu- Seeing miracles in my life

Niagara falls is nice but the real excitement, would be nice to see it flow backwards- Oscar Wilde

There was once a young man who went to a rabbi and said, "If you can show me a miracle, I'll believe in the existence of God." So the rabbi speaks with Elijah the Prophet and arranges for tickets to see the Red Sea split. The rabbi and the young man go back in time to Egypt, stand on the shores of the Red Sea, and watch as 3 million Jews approach. Moses raises his staff, the Red Sea splits, and the Jews walk through on dry land. The guy is so impressed, he immediately runs out and buys a pair of Tefillin.

A few weeks later, he comes back to see the rabbi. "Rabbi," he says, "it was really great seeing the sea split. But I'm starting to lose the feeling. If I could just see another miracle, I would truly believe." So the rabbi puts in another request, and obtains tickets to see the Red Sea splitting. They go down to Egypt, here comes Moses and the people, the sea splits – and the guy is astounded. A miracle! He runs out and enrolls in yeshiva. It's a miracle!

After a few more weeks, the guy comes back to the rabbi. "Listen, rabbi, I need to see another miracle. Can you arrange it for me?" So the rabbi gets tickets, they go down to Egypt, here comes Moses, the sea splits. At which point the young man turns to the rabbi and says, "That's nothing – I've seen it before!"

Questions to ponder

List ten places that you thought were extremely beautiful

What was one miracle that happened to you in your life

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu