(With care, singable to the traditional tune. Do Mic-check style.)

Each Passover Seder Teaches:
Celebrate each step toward Freedom,
Dayenu!  Wonderful!
At the Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin
100,000 Resisted Union-bustin’:
Dayenu!  Wonderful!
In New York City Dozens Tented
Calling out to “Occupy Wall Street”:
Dayenu!  Wonderful!

Then Hundreds Walked on Brooklyn Bridge:
Police attacked and the World took notice.
Dayenu!  Wonderful!
Across the Continent the People Saw,
They Occupied space in a myriad cities:
Dayenu!  Wonderful!
In London and Australia, in Africa and Israel,
The many many Thousands Gathered:
Dayenu!  Wonderful!
Police Attacked and the People Bent; 
The people bent but did not Break:
Dayenu!  Wonderful!

In Washington through Bitter Cold

Thousands Came to Heal the Earth.

Dayenu! Wonderful!
The Godly and the Secular
Stand Arm in Arm to Heal our Planet:
Dayenu!  Wonderful!
The Generations Intertwine
And here We Are! – Yes, here we are!
Dayenu!  Wonderful!
You Who Interbreathe all Life
Give Us, the 99%,
The Strength to Overcome through Love
For Justice and Community.
Dayenu! Wonderful!
Dai, dayenu, dai dayenu, dai dayenu –
 Dayenu dayenu!

(Question:) What are the Ten Healings that can save our planet and our selves, can point us toward making our planet a Beloved Community?

 (Someone different reads each line, and then each wisdom passage afterward. For each of the Ten Blessings, we drink some ine or grape-juice and then say L’Chaim!)

  • Creating organic farms in countrysides and cities.
  • Wind-based energy: Purchasing home & company electric power from wind-based suppliers.
  • Hybrid or electric cars. Families buy them; convince cities, government agencies, & businesses to switch their auto fleets.
  • Use public transportation.
  • Family & congregational education/ action to heal the Earth: At Bat/Bar Mitzvah time and teen-age baptisms/ confirmations, “turning hearts of children and parents to each other, lest the Earth be utterly destroyed” (Quote from last passage of Malachi, last of the classical Hebrew Prophets)
  • Divestment by colleges, churches, pension funds, etc from investment in fossil-fuel companies, shifting investment to renewable, sustainable energy.
  • Vigils, picketing, civil disobedience at sites of mountain destruction by coal companies.
  • Prevent the Tar Sands Pipeline.
  • End fracking: Insist on moratoriums or prohibitions.
  • Carbon pricing: Lobbying Members of Congress for laws to put prices on carbon-fuel production and pay dividends from the incoming fees to American families.

 (All join in singing:)
When Israel was in Egypt’s land,
/ Let my people go;
/Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
/Let my people go!
Go down, Moses,
/’Way down in Egypt’s land;
/Tell ol’ Pharaoh,
/Let my people go!
No more shall they in bondage toil,
Let my people go;
Let them come out with Egypt’s spoil,
Let my people go!
We need not always weep and mourn,
Let my people go;
And wear these slav’ry chains forlorn,
Let my people go!

At each table, someone pours some juice from the Cup of Elijah into each person’s glass.]
 All say together:

“I take responsibility to become the Prophet Elijah,
 ‘turning the hearts of the parents to the children 
and the hearts of the children to the parents,
 lest the earth be utterly destroyed.’ ”  (Last verses of the Prophet Malachi, read specially on the Shabbat just before Passover.)
And each drinks from the glass.


We’ve got the sun and the rain in our hands,
We’ve got the wind and the clouds in our hands,
We’ve got the whole world in our hands.
We’ve got the whole world in our hands.

We’ve got the rivers and the mountains in our hands,
We’ve got the lakes and the oceans in our hands

We’ve got you and we’ve got me in our hands,
We’ve got the whole world in our hands.

We’ve got everybody here in our hands,
We’ve got everybody there in our hands,
We’ve got everybody everywhere in our hands,
We’ve got the whole world in our hands.

We’ve got trees and tigers in our hands/

We’ve got our sisters and our brothers in our hands/

We’ve got our children and their children in our hands/


(Sing this translation of Psalm 149 to the tune of “Michael Row the Boat Ashore.”)

Praise Yah in the heavens, halleluyah.

Praise God in the heights, halleluyah.

Praise God, all you angels, halleluyah.

Praise Yah, all you hosts, halleluyah.

Praise God, sun and moon, halleluyah.

Praise Yah, you stars of light, halleluyah.

Praise God, you high heavens, halleluyah.

All that flows in all the world, halleluyah.
Let them all praise God’s Name, halleluyah.

For God spoke and they appeared, halleluyah.

With God they take their stand, halleluyah.

God’s rhythm none can break, halleluyah.

Praise Yah from the earth, halleluyah.

You sea-monsters and all deeps, halleluyah.

Fire, hail, snow, and steam, halleluyah.

Stormy wind to do God’s word, halleluyah.

Mountains high and small hills, halleluyah.

Trees of fruit and cedars too, halleluyah.

Wild beasts and quiet flocks, halleluyah.

Creeping things and winged birds, halleluyah.

Leaders and officials, halleluyah.

Societies and peoples, halleluyah.

Young men and women, too, halleluyah.

Let us praise the holy Name, halleluyah.

For God’s Name includes us all, halleluyah.

God’s radiance shines out, halleluyah.

And God lifts the people’s hearts, halleluyah.

For all who wrestle God, halleluyah.

For all who bring God close, halleluyah.


haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: https://theshalomcenter.org/content/palms-passover-interfaith-healing-seder-earth