Had You only taught my ancestors [ Jewish value instilled in your family ] it would have been enough for us.

Had You only allowed my family [ story of family finding safety or security ] it would have been enough for us.

Had You only permitted my family, of [ place an ancestor was born ], to survive and thrive, generation to generation, their memory still with me in [ your location ], it would have been enough for us. 

Had You merely let my family [ defining moment of pride for your family ], enjoying success, it would have been enough for us. We thought it should have been enough for us.

Had You only enacted [ laws or policies that allowed my family to prosper or exist here ] in the United States, it would have been enough for us.

Had You only given [ activist in history you draw inspiration from ] a platform that helped to uplift others and benefit all by improving our society, it would have been enough for us. But what if it weren’t enough?

Have we not let [ above leader or movement ] down in our silence, our indifference, our complacency?

What is the next blank we need to fill in? How can we stand up and confront power with courage? Perhaps we have been given our privilege and position for such a time as this.

How do you feel connected to and separate from the Passover story? What is its relevance to you today?

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Not Free to Desist (2021/5781 Antiracist Passover Supplement)