Traditionally, in the Dayenu section of the Haggadah, we express gratitude for all that was
done for us. Let's all share something that we are grateful for.

This traditional Passover song is over a thousand years old. Th e Hebrew lyrics mean that if
Eheyeh (I am that I am) had only brought us out of Egypt it would have been enough. Th e second
verse adds that if Eheyeh had only given the Torah, it would have been enough.
(It Would Have Been Enough)
Ilu hotsi, hotsionu, Hotsionu mimitzrayim
Hotsionu mimitzrayim, Dayenu!
Dadayenu, Dadayenu, Dadayenu, Dayenu, Dayenu,
Dadayenu, Dadayenu, Dadayenu, Dayenu, Dayenu,
Ilu natan, natanlanu, Natanlanu Torat emet,
Torat emet natanlanu, Dayenu!
Ilu asah bahem s’fateem, v’lo asah beyloheyhem,
v’lo asah beyloheyhem
Ilu hotsi, hotsianu, hotsianu mimitsrayim,
hotsianu mimitsrayim,
Ilu natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et hatorah,
natan lanu et hatorah,

Had He judged them and not done so to their idols, it would have been enough for us.

Had God brought us out of Egypt and not supported us in the wilderness It would have been enough!
Had God given us the Sabbath and not the Torah It would have been enough!
Had God given us the Torah and not brought us to the land of Israel It would have been enough!

Dedicated to Willingness
It took great willpower to move forward from slavery that had become familiar into the unknown future. Our grandparents made a similar leap into the unknown to arrive here. We are called upon to make the effort and to use the same willpower to create forward motion in all aspects of our own lives.

When we see clearly, we behave impeccably.- Sylvia Boorstein

Regarding willpower, Buddha taught, “Once you control your thoughts, which will wander all over the place if given a chance, you will escape the clutches of temptation.” His message was both active (focus on how we act, how we speak, how we work, how we manage relationships) and passive (pay attention, develop patience, trust, compassion, wisdom and equanimity).

Blessed are you, Hashem,
Source of the Universe,
for having given us the fruit of the vine,
this second cup of Passover wine,
the cup devoted to our willingness to request help.
We acknowledge our past decisions
in favor of the ego,
see the repercussions of those negative thoughts and decisions
and, now, seek to choose diff erently.
With this cup of wine we ask the Divine part of ourselves
for help with our growth.
We have been through the desert,
the place of lonely wandering.

Barucha at Shekhina,
Eloheynu mahlkat ha’olam,
boret pree hagafen♀.

Blessed are you Shekhina,
for creating the fruit of the vine.
Now let us all drink our second cup of wine. 

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Haggadah for Jews and Buddhists