had you-i been given but seconds
in this unreal reality,
and the ten-thousand things not made themselves
known to me-you, daiyenu,

had the ten-thousand things made themselves
known to me-you, and your-my blood not thudded
circuitously, stubbornly, daiyenu,

had your-my blood thudded
circuitously, stubbornly,
and these atoms not stayed gathered
into matter as me-you, daiyenu,

had these atoms stayed gathered into matter
as me-you, and you-i not been born
earthly entity, daiyenu,

had you-i been born earthly entity, and these lungs
not breathed me-you, daiyenu,

had these lungs breathed me-you,
and you-i not strengthened
from struggling, daiyenu,

had you-i strengthened from struggling, and the
time-space web not caught me-you, daiyenu,

had the time-space web caught me-you,
and you-i not made manifest
believed-in possibility, daiyenu,

had you-i made manifest
believed-in possibility, and never felt faith
inside me-you, daiyenu,

had you-i felt faith inside me-you,
and not lost ego-identity, daiyenu,

had you-i lost ego-identity, and not detached from a
conceptually separate me-you, daiyenu,

had you-i detached from a
conceptually separate me-you,
and never found inner tranquility, daiyenu,

had you-i found inner tranquility, and never let
angel-death tongue-kiss me-you, daiyenu,

had you-i let angel-death tongue-kiss me-you, and
not answered with reciprocity, daiyenu,

had you-i answered with reciprocity,
and not still vibrated energy for eternity,
had you-i been given but seconds in this unreal
reality, had it all been arbitrary,
had it all been but a word,

a breath,
a blink,
a touch,
a grace,
a pulse,
a truth,

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Rachel Kann