If we left Egypt, that would be enough

If Pharoh was punished, that would be enough

If he gave us their wealth, that would be enough
If the sea was split for us, that would be enough

If he brought us on dry land, that would be enough

If he drowned our oppressors, that would be enough

If our needs in the wilderness were satisfied, that would be enough

If he fed us manna, that would be enough

If He had given us the Sabbath, that would be enough

If he gave us the Torah, that would be enough

If he had brought us into the land of Israel, that would be enough
If he built us the temple, that would be enough

Dayeinu invites us to be grateful for the blessings in our lives, as and when they unfold. We have no way of knowing how our story is going to end, much less what next year, or even tomorrow, will look like. All we have is here and now. Dayeinu teaches us to live in the moment by cherishing each of life's blessings as we experience them.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu