Dayeinu (It would have been enough): 

We take turns saying the lines and we all say together: Dayyenu.  

We are overwhelmed by Divine grace :

Had God brought us out of Egypt, and not supported us in the wilderness, It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

Had God supported us in the wilderness and not given us the Sabbath, It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

Had God given us the Sabbath and not given us the Torah, It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

Had God given us the Torah and not brought us to the land of Israel, It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

Had God brought us to the land of Israel and not sent us the prophets, It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

Had God sent us the prophets and not called us to a life of holiness,
It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

Had God called us to a life of holiness and not sustained us wherever we dwelt, It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

Had God sustained us wherever we dwelt, and not illuminated the many paths to the Most High,
It would have been enough--Dayyenu.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu