One of most beloved songs in the Passover Seder is "Dayeinu". Dayeinu commemorates a long list of miraculous things God did, any one of which would have been pretty amazing just by itself. For example, “Had God only taken us out of Egypt but not punished the Egyptians – it would have been enough.” Dayeinu, translated liberally, means, “Thank you, God, for overdoing it.”

Dayeinu is a reminder to never forget all the miracles in our lives. When we stand and wait impatiently for the next one to appear, we are missing the point of life. Instead, we can actively seek a new reason to be grateful, a reason to say “Dayeinu.”

Had God brought us out of Egypt, and not executed judgments against the Egyptians, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God executed judgments against the Egyptians, and not their gods, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God executed judgments against their gods and not put to death their firstborn, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God put to death their firstborn, and not given us their riches, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God given us their riches, and not split the Sea for us, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God split the Sea for us, and not led us through it on dry land, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God led us through it on dry land, and not sunk our foes in it, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God sunk our foes in it, and not satisfied our needs in the desert for forty years, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God satisfied our needs in the desert for forty years, and not fed us the manna, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God fed us the manna, and not given us the Sabbath, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God given us the Sabbath, and not brought us to Mount Sinai, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God brought us to Mount Sinai, and not given us the Torah, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God given us the Torah, and not brought us into Israel, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

Had God brought us into Israel, and not built the Temple for us, It would have been enough – Dayyenu

We get to sing along now to a few of the verses.

אִלּוּ הוֹצִיאָֽנוּ מִמִּצְרַֽיִם, דַּיֵּנוּ

Ilu ho-tsi, Ho-tsi-a-nu, Ho-tsi-a-nu mi-Mitz-ra-yim, Ho-tsi-a-nu mi-Mitz-ra-yim, Da-ye-nu!
If he had brought us all out of Egypt, it would have been enough!

CHORUS: .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu!

אִלּוּ נָתַן לָֽנוּ אֶת־הַשַּׁבָּת , דַּיֵּנוּ

Ilu na-tan, na-tan la-nu, Na-tan la-nu et-ha-Sha-bat, Na-tan la-nu et-ha-Sha-bat, Da-ye-nu!
If he had given us Shabbat it would have been enough!

CHORUS: .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu!

אִלּוּ נָתַן לָֽנוּ אֶת־הַתּוֹרָה, דַּיֵּנוּ

Ilu na-tan, na-tan la-nu, Na-tan la-nu et-ha-To-rah, Na-tan la-nu et-ha-To-rah, Da-ye-nu!
If he had given us the Torah it would have been enough!

CHORUS: .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu!
.. .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Dai, da-ye-nu, .. Da-ye-nu, da-ye-nu!

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu