
To conclude the Maggid, we will take turns each enumerating some of the items from the traditional expressions of gratitude in Dayenu and then sing a few verses for the first few of these items of gratitude. Note, even if you have trouble singing some of the verses, you are expected at least to sing the chorus!

Ilu hotzi, hotzianu; hotzianu miMitzraim; hotzianu miMitzraim: Dayeinu.

Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-ye-nu Da-ye-nu !

Ilu natan, natan lanu; natan lanu et haShabbat; natan lanu et haShabbat: Dayeinu.

Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-ye-nu Da-ye-nu !

Ilu natan, natan lanu; natan lanu et haTorah; natan lanu et haTorah: Dayeinu.

Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-da-ye-nu, Da-ye-nu Da-ye-nu !

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu