
It would have been too much if only Columbine had been the single scar on the flesh of our country. Dayeinu!

It would have been too much if only the lecture halls at Virginia Tech had transformed into morgues. Dayeinu!

It would have been too much if only the innocence of Newtown’s young children had been savaged. Dayeinu!

It would have been too much if only Orlando’s nightclub had been drenched with the blood of innocent women and men. Dayeinu!

It would have been too much if only bullets had rained down upon a crowded plaza in Las Vegas. Dayeinu!

It would have been too much if only the fresh corpses of Parkland cried out from the grave. Dayeinu!

It would have been too much if even a single life was taken, because our tradition values every life as a world entire. Dayeinu!

Enough is Enough Dayeinu!

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Rabbi Josh Franklin