Hebrew Dates

(all  BCE dates are approximate)

3760BCE World created according to Bible: Adam and Eve

2700BCE Noah born

2650 BCE Imhotep designed the Step Pyramid and eventually deified as the  Egyptian God of Medicine.  We have pottery and linen from his tomb located near the Step Pyramid.

2018 BCE Abraham Born

1918BCE Isaac born

1853BCE Jacob born

1680BCE Joseph goes to Egypt ‘…people of Israel lived in Egypt 430 years.”

1250BCE Approximate date of the Exodus

1213BCE Ramesses dies

1100BCE Song at the Sea (Exodus 15:21) composed

722BCE Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 Lost Tribes) are sent into exile

622BCE During reign of  King Josiah, first evidence of Passover sacrifice

587BCE Jerusalem conquered by Babylon and exiled (Diaspora)

538BCE King Cyrus of Persia allows Hebrews to return home

516BCE New Temple is dedicated on Passover

    33CE Last supper of Jesus which is a Passover Seder

    70 Romans destroy the Second Temple on 9th of Av (Tisha b’Av)

  100 Tradition of Passover Seder began since unable to do Temple sacrifice

  638 Muslim conquest of Jerusalem

  900 Earliest written Haggadah found in a Cairo Geniza

1135 Maimonedes born in Cordoba, Spain

1350 Sarajevo Haggadah (illuminated manuscript) created in Spain

1482 First machine printed Haggadah

1492 Ferdinand and Isabella expel Jews and Muslims from Spain

1590 “Chad Gaya” is included in the Haggadah

1654 Boatload of Dutch Jews arrive in New Amsterdam from Brazil

1857 First matzah baking machine invented in Austria

1882 First Aliyah of Eastern European Jews

1900 New York becomes world’s largest Jewish city (598,000)

1934 Maxwell House Haggadah first published;40 million copies distributed

1939-45 World War II and the Nazi Holocaust

1947 The ship named Exodus sailed for Israel from France

1948 State of Israel established

1972 First feminist Seder: Cup of Myriam and orange added to Seder Plate

haggadah Section: Introduction