After each statement, those gathered should respond with “Dayeinu! It would be sufficient.”

 Leader:  As we have sung of the sufficiency's of our blessings and those received by our ancestors, we must recognize that there are insufficiencies in the world, for which we must accept responsibility:

If we speak truthfully about the pain, joys and contradictions of our lives…

If we listen to others with sensitivity and compassion...

If we fight injustice, sexism, racism and homophobia where we live, work, play and study...

If we continue to joyfully volunteer our time and work and money...

If we create art, music, dance and literature...

If we were realize our power to effect change….

If we bring holiness into our lives, homes and communities…

If we honor our visions more than our fears...

All: Dayeinu, v’lo dayeinu– It will, and will not be, enough.


haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Liberation Haggadah