The novel coronavirus is an epidemic disease, and now, a pandemic because it has spread around the world. And, like a plague, it is causing widespread affliction, as well as pain, loss, and distress. So, shall we liken it to the biblical plagues of our ancestors? I should say not.

You see, when the coronavirus is under control across the world, society will begin to recover. There was no recovery after the first, second, third, or tenth plague of Egypt. There was one disaster followed by the next. Do you know how else this disease is different from those we witnessed in ancient Egypt? In a sudden moment God brought forth a plague, and in another, God ended it. The afflictions did not grow exponentially – locusts covered the fields instantly, pestilence of livestock occurred instantly, and all of the first born died in a single night. Do you know the main reason that in our time of crisis and uncertainty we should choose our words carefully and sensitively and not compare COVID-19 to a biblical plague on Passover? Because all of us have within us the power to  flatten the curve, reduce the infection rate, and most importantly, help those in our neighborhoods who need our help.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues