We have sung our dayeinus, declaring that any of God’s blessings in the past would have been enough. But in our day, dare we ever think that there are enough blessings, that no more are needed? For when we look at the world around us and see how much more is needed to perfect the world, we can only say “ lo dayeinu ” – it is not enough.

All: But the Rabbis taught, “While we are not obligated to complete all which must be done, we are obligated never to give up.” So were we to say that we truly did our part to ensure for others the safety, security, health, joy, freedom, and hope we cherish sitting at this seder table with family and friends, knowing that our work will never be completed and that there is no such thing as enough, we will have earned the right to say…dayeinu! Dayeinu!

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: Rabbi Donald Rossoff