Now that we've told the story, let's reflect a bit on what it means to tell it this year in particular. The experience of the Exodus was a peak of uncertainty for the Israelites. All of what they've known, all their ways of meeting their needs - they were gone. They lived through the plagues; we see that suffering came first before redemption. Then they left everything they'd known very suddenly, and even though they were slaves in Egypt and they had no freedom, everything was still predictable and humans tend to like predictability. They had to take on faith that G-D was leading them to a better place after their suffering and in a time of total uncertainty and unpredictability.

So, how do you think the Israelites felt their first night in the desert?

We may have fears that what is on the other side of this coronavirus plague is scary. How does the Israelites' experience help us learn to trust?

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: Original