This year, we are still fighting. This year there are still members of our community who are closeted, or denied justice. There are incarcerated trans folks placed in the wrong prisons. There are non-binary people being misgendered at home and at work and at school. This year the government wants to deny us the right to work, to wed, to exist. Queer youth are committing suicide from brutal bullying at school. This year, we are still fighting. 

Next year, may our struggles come to fruition. May we gain equal protection under the law, and may all people accept our right to live and to exist. Next year, may we have the capacity to fight for the rights of other marginalized groups. 

This year, we are still fighting. Next year, may we all be free.

Chag sameach.

haggadah Section: Nirtzah
Source: Galia Godel