חד גדיא

Have you ever wondered why we need to say חד גדיא at the end of the seder? Ok maybe we fall asleep before that part. Come on you got to admit it. You have fallen asleep before the Seder actually ended The purpose of saying  חד גדיא at the end of the seder is because there are so many cheerful words in חד גדיא.  Each of the parts of חד גדיא represents a different part of the story. The first part is   חד גדיא.חד גדיא represents one kid. The one kid represents two zuzim. The two zuzim represent the two goats that Yacov brought to his father. Those goats are the symbol of the Pesach offering and the חד גדיא offering. The חד גדיא is that the children of Yacov will bring an offering every Pesach. The one kid in the חד גדיא is the blessing that was received and based on the blessing for the first born of Yosef. The second part of חד גדיא is a cat. The cat represents jealousy that Yosef's brothers had and that made them sold Yosef which made the whole family go down to Egypt. The third part of חד גדיא is a dog. The dog represents Pharaoh. The dog represents The Egyptians and the Egyptians did bad things to the Jews which is the cat. The fourth part of חד גדיא is a stick. The stick represents the stick that Hashem gave to Moshe to do all the Ten Commandments to get Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt. Before Moshe died, he gave the stick to Yehuda which then was passed down from generation to generation. The fifth part of חד גדיא is the fire. The fire represents Yetzer Hara and the Yetzer Hara burns the insides of people. The sixth part of חד גדיא is the water. The water represents men helping the people never do Yetzer Hara again and it says that these people were the water that put out the fire. The seventh part of חד גדיא is an ox. The ox is compared as the Romans as a very wild and strong ox. The eighth part of חד גדיא is the slaughter. The slaughter represents when Hashem comes to save Bnei Yisrael. He will send them a משיח from the tribe of Yosef. He will fight against Bnei Yisrael enemies and begin to slaughter them. The ninth part of חד גדיא is the angel of death. The angel of death represents himself. He is going to kill the משיח בן יוסף during the war. The tenth part of חד גדיא is Hashem the God of everything. When  משיח comes we will get all the blessings that Hashem gave to us when Yacov received the bracha from Yitzchak. All these ten parts are like the Ten Commandments.

In חד גדיא, you might notice that there are many differences and similarities in these ten answers. One of the differences are mostly noticeable is the dog and the cat. The dog and the cat are found in the third and fourth part of חד גדיא. The differences are between the dog and the cat are that the dog is compared to the Egyptians which were Bnei Yisrael enemies in מצרים. The cat is compared as us, Bnei Yisrael. Us, Bnei Yisrael got tortured by our enemies, the dog, that is known as The Egyptians. This is a difference that is mostly noticeable in חד גדיא. The lesson that you can learn from this difference is that Bnei Yisrael can always be better than their enemies and they always will with Hashem's help!!

haggadah Section: Songs