Who knows one? | ?אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ - Tamar

Pessach commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt.  When we follow the rituals of Passover, we have the ability to relive and to experience the true freedom that our ancestors gained by singing songs, asking questions, and hearing stories. One is our God, in heaven and on earth Two are the tablets of the covenant Three are the patriarchs Four are the Matriarchs Five are the books of the Torah Six are the books of the Mishnah Seven are the days of the week Eight are the days of the circumcision Nine are the months of the pregnant Ten are the Commandments Eleven are the stars of the Joseph's dream Twelve are the tribals of Israel Thirteen are the temperaments of God One of my favorite songs of the Hagada is "Echad Mi Yodea? - Who knows one?" This is the part I am waiting for all over the Hagada. The reason therefor is, that this song is meant to be fun and humorous, while still gives different motifs and teachings for children.  This song especially emphasize the connection between god and a human, but also between the five books of the Torah and the six orders of the Mishnah. It reminds me of the long Jewish history and traditions we still keeping and believing. There are phrases mentioned which we are not thinking about day by day. With singing the song we can remember and appreciates what God has given to our nation and be thankful for everything we have gained. This song shows how happy we are to be out of slavery and have the opportunity the continue our Jewish history and tradition with the people we love the most; family and friends! 



haggadah Section: Songs