Cinnamon balls

Cinnamon Balls

Makes about 22

Keeps 1 week at room temp in an airtight container

Freeze 3 months

This must be the definitive recipe for the this Famous Anglo-Jewish biscuit-the inside will stay soft and moist,provided the balls are not overbaked.

2 egg whites

4oz (125 gms caster sugar)

8oz ground almonds

1 level tbsp. cinnamon

For coating the biscuits

A small bowl of icing (confectioners) sugar

Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Stir in all remaining ingredients, mixing until even in colour. Form into balls with wetted hands. Bake on a greased tray at gas mark 3 ( 325F/160C)for 20 minutes , or until just firm to the touch. Roll in icing sugar while warm and then again when cold.


Fold in 2oz (50gm) finely chopped walnuts before forming the balls

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: Judy Ingber