Dedication (2007)


We want education We want improvement To have the ability
To change tomorrow We want education We want improvement To have the ability
To change tomorrow

This is for the small kids in this big world
Lost, don't know what is happening
Barely opened your eyes, u saw tears
Barely opened your heart, u felt pain
Barely joined us, u saw that we are separated Jews, Christians and Muslims
None of these sides wants to understand the other

Every side thinks they're better than the other

Claiming that he’s the only one going to heaven Meanwhile, making our lives hell

But, you’re different from us, your heart is still pure So don't let our dirt touch it
Keep asking for a life full of equality
And if someone asks you to hate, say no

I am the child of today, the transformation of tomorrow (chorus)

The path to equality is a long road to travel
On the way you’ll meet people with bitter hearts They’ll try to make you feel that they’re above you
If that’s what they think, then they are beneath you You’re not a terrorist, You’re not a beast
You’re a human being, and what ruins your reputation Is something called politics, takes the good from you For greedy reasons, and some people walk with you Because they feel sorry for the ‘pitiable’ Arabs
Hell nooo, erase that word from your mind
A pitiable man accepts his poverty and you will not Don't feel weak, whatever
We failed, yet you stand on your feet
We cried, yet you wipe our tears
Children of today, raise your heads

So we can change tomorrow I wanna make it easy for you You wanna reach the future? Then study your past
Know the meaning of occupation in your mind
And know the meaning of independence in your heart And now, repeat after me:

In the WHITE & the RED (in the white and the red)
The GREEN & the BLACK (in the green and the black)
We will paint our culture, we feel it even though we can’t see it The ones who erased it, still didn't erase us
They torture us?! Ohhh, if you can’t take it
Don't grab a gun, but grab a pen and write
IM AN ARAB like Mahmud Darwish did
I’ll never kill the others just to live
My heart is screaming, we are human beings
My head is held high, in the name of Palestine
My hand will never abandon my abandoned brothers
Their hopes will cross my heart, near the Handala
(Wait, wait, wait, if you don’t understand
What I'm saying, go and ask your parents)
And if no one has the answers, study it alone
So you can answer your kids 

haggadah Section: Maror