Chad gadya, chad gadya! 

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya! 

Ve'oso shunro ve'ochlo l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya!

Ve'oso calba ve'noshach l'shunra,

d'ochla l'gadya, D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya! 

Ve'asa chutra ve'hika l'calba, D'nashach l'shunro, d'achla l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya! 

Ve'asa nura ve'soraf l'chutra, D'hika l'calba d'nashach l'shunra, d'achla l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya! 

Ve'asa maya ve'chava l'nura, D'saraf l'chutra d'hika l'calba, D'nashach l'shunra d'achla l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya! 

Ve'asa tora ve'shasa l'maya, d'chava l'nura, d'saraf l'chutra, d'hika l'calba, D'nashach l'shunra, d'achla l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya!  

Ve'aso ha'shochet ve'shachat l'tora, D'shasa l'maya d'chava l'nura, D'saraf l'chutra d'hika l'calba, D'nashach l'shunra d'achla l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya!

 Ve'asa malach hamavet ve'shachat l'shochet, D'shachat l'tora, d'shasa l'maya, D'chava l'nura, d'saraf l'chutra, D'hika l'calba, d'nashach l'shunra, D'achla l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei, Chad gadya, chad gadya! 

Ve'asa hakadosh baruch hu Ve'shachat l'malach hamovet, D'shachat l'shochet d'shachat l'tora, D'shasa l'maya d'chava l'nura, D'saraf l'chutra d'hika l'calba, D'nashach l'shunra d'achla l'gadya,

D'zabin abba bitrei zuzei,Chad gadya, chad gadya!

One little goat, one little goat that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat.  A cat came and ate the little goat that my father bought for two coins, one little goat one little goat.  Then came a dog and bit the cat that ate the little goat that my father bought for two coins, one little goat one little goat.  Then came a stick which beat the dog that bit the cat, that ate the little goat that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat.Then came a fire, that burnt the stick that beat the dog, that bit the cat that ate the little goat, that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat.  Then came some water that put out the fire that burnt the stick, that beat the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the little goat, that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat.  Then came an ox that drank the water, that put out the fire, that burnt the stick, that beat the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the little goat, that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat. Then came a slaughterer that slaughtered the ox, that drank the water, that put out the fire, that burnt the stick, that beat the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the little goat, that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat. Then came the angel of death, that slaughtered the slaughterer, that slaughtered the ox, that drank the water, that put out the fire, that burnt the stick, that beat the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the little goat, that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat.  Then came the Holy One blessed be He, and slaughtered the angel of death, that slaughtered the slaughterer, that slaughtered the ox, that drank the water, that put out the fire, that burnt the stick, that beat the dog, that bit the cat, that ate the little goat, that my father bought for two coins, one little goat, one little goat.

haggadah Section: Cover
Source: Liturgy