Now it is time for our Chad Gadya challlenge.  How far can you recite Chad Gadya on one breath?  Please begin standing and sit down when you take a breath.

One, two three:  Go!


My father bought it for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the cat came and ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the dog came and bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the stick came and hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the fire came and burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the water came and put out the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the ox came and drank the water that put out the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the butcher came and slaughtered the ox that drank the water that put out the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then the Angel of Death came and killed the butcher that slaughtered the ox that drank the water that put out the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

Then God came and defeated the Angel of Death that killed the butcher that slaughtered the ox that drank the water that put out the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the goat that my father bought for just two coins. One little goat, one little goat!

haggadah Section: Conclusion