Chad Gad Ya- by Jack Black

Traditional Aramaic Version

Chad gadya, chad gadya    One only kid, one only kid
Dezabin aba bitrei zuzim   that Father bought (sold) for two zuzim 
Chad gadya, chad gadya.   One only kid, one only kid.
Ve'ata shunra de'achla legadya   There came a cat that ate the kid
Dezabin aba bitrei zuzim   that Father bought for two zuzim
Chad gadya, chad gadya.   One only kid, one only kid.
...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...   ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...
Ve'ata ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu   Along came the Holy One Blessed Be He
veshachat lemal'ach hamavet,   and slew the Angel of Death,
deshachat leshochet,   who slew the ritual slaughterer
deshachat letora,   who slaughtered the ox
de shata lemaya,   which drank the water
dechava lenura,   which put out the fire
desaraf lechutra,   which burnt the stick
dehika lechalba,   which hit the dog
denashach leshunra,   which bit the cat 
de'achla legadya,   which ate the kid
dezabin aba bitrei zuzim   which Father bought for two zuzim.
Chad gadya, chad gadya.   One only kid, one only kid.

haggadah Section: Hallel