Light the Candles and Say Three Blessings

Light the Candles.


ALL: May you grant my family and all families a good and long life. Remember us with blessings and kindness. Give me the opportunity to raise my children and grandchildren to be truly wise and people of truth. Please hear my prayer at this time. Regard me as a worthy descendant of all who have come before me, and let my candles never be extinguished. Let the light of sprit, grace and goodness shine upon us. Amen

II.In Judaism, this prayer (called the Shehechiyanu) is said at times of joy. 

ALL: Blessed are you, Our G-d, Creator of the Universe, for creating us, sustaining us and bringing us to this moment. Amen.

LEADER: Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, shehecheyanu v'ki'manu v'higi-anu laz'man hazeh

III.This blessing celebrates us being together.

LEADER: [Transliteration] Hineh Mah Tov Umanayim, Shevet Tachim Gam Yachad

ALL: Behold! How good and sweet it is to be together.

haggadah Section: Introduction