Burning of the Chametz

Come, let us gather as one, bound together by love and the shared hope that all Jews, and all people, will one day live free and in peace. Together, let us recall the story of Passover, relived time and again by Jews throughout the world. As we move through the Seder, reaffirming our belief in a faith so rich in history and life, may we take into our hearts the memory of all who have and continue to enrich our lives and remember those who still suffer the pain of war, oppression, tyranny, and prejudice.

(A bowl is placed in the center of the table. Everyone participating is handed a piece of paper and a pencil.)


Now is our chance to write down some personal chametz of which we wish to be rid. Chametz is leavened bread which we are permitted from eating over Passover but here it can represent the crumbs of scarcity, fear and anger that clings to our sleeves and hearts and impact us and our social justice work. When everyone is finished, we put our chametz together in a bowl for symbolic burning.

Together we recite the blessing for burning chametz:

Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al biur chametz.

We praise You, O God, Sovereign of the Universe, Who hallows out lives with commandments, Who has commanded us to burn chametz.

(The papers are discarded)

Every sort of chametz in my possession, which has met my gaze or has not met my gaze, which I have destroyed or have not destroyed, let it be null and void, ownerless, like the dust of the earth. 

RAC: Social Justice Haggadah: Story of Slavery

haggadah Section: Introduction