The breaking of the middle matzah is a reminder of the fractures and breaks in our environment and world. It is a time to think about the current state of the environment and the communities that are disproportionately impacted by the environmental issues. How are we impacted by the changing climate, and how have we contributed to the rise of sea level? 

We take the larger half of the broken matzah to hide, and it becomes the  afikomen. It is no longer a regular piece of matzah; the afikomen is the final hidden treasure that we need to find before the seder is complete. 

We will search for the afikomen after the meal, but we will search for the afikomen throughout the evening in our minds. One reason that we physically look for the afikomen is to bring the two broken pieces of matzah back together and symbolize a move from brokenness toward healing. Simultaneously, in our minds, we will begin to uncover different aspects and responses to environmental injustice, bringing us closer to understanding how together, we can repair our environment and world.

haggadah Section: Yachatz