Yachatz - Breaking the Matzah is one of many ritual acts that turns the food of the seder into a symbol of meaning.

Count off the matzot from top to bottom: 1, 2, 3,

The top matzah is for the usual blessing over bread - Motzi. The bottom matza is for the Hillel sandwich (korech) made with matza, maror, and charoset. Of the three matzot, two remain whole, in order to symbolize the abundance of freedom. We break the middle matzah in two. The seder re-enacts our common suffering, of which we generate our solidarity and moral commitment to the stranger and the deprived. The concern for the outsider breaks into our family banquet symbolically in the form of a broken matza marring our sense of wholeness. The bigger portion is to be hidden for the Afikoman and eaten after desert when found. The smaller portion will be eaten with the top matza when we say special blessing over matza at the beginning of the meal.


haggadah Section: Yachatz