This is the bread of poverty, which our ancestors had to eat when they were slaves in Egypt.

Let all who are hungry come and eat;
let all who are needy come and celebrate the Passover with us.

כל דכפיו ייתי וייכל
כל דצריך ייתי ויפסך

Kol ditzrikh yeytey v'yeykhul
Kol ditzrikh yeytey v'yigsakh

השתא הכא
לשנה הבאה בארעה דישראל

Hashatah hakha
L'shanah haba'ah b'ar'ah d'yisrael

השתא עבדי
לשנה הבאח בני חורין

Hashatah avdey
L'shanah haba'ah b'nei khorin

This year we are here; next year, let us be in the land of Israel.
This year we are slaves; next year let us be free.

haggadah Section: Yachatz
Source: Traditional