As we are about to embark on this journey, it is appropriate to offer a blessing to your partner, child, or friend. The blessings below are traditionally given on Shabbat, but are appropriate for this holiday too.

You can also offer a personalized blessing by starting with  "May God give you/grant you/bestow upon you.."  and close it out with something personal such as  "May God give you strength in the upcoming year."

For a Woman:
Eishet Chayil mi yimtza, v’rakhok mi’pninim michrah. 
Batakh bah lev ba’alah, v’shalal lo yekhsar. 
Piha pat’cha v’chochmah, v’torat chesed al l’shonah. 
Kamu vaneha v’ya’ashruhah, ba’alah vay’hal’lah. 
Rabot banot asu chayil, v’at alit al kulanah.

A woman of valor, who can find? Her worth is far beyond rubies.
Her husband trusts in her, and lacks for nothing.
Her lips are full of wisdom, her mouth with loving-kindness.
Her children rise and bless her, her husband sings her praises:
“Many women have done well, but you surpass them all!” (Proverbs 31)

For a Man: 
Mi ha-ish, he-hafetz hayim, ohev yamim lir’ot tov?
N’tzor l’shon’kha mei’ra, u’sfotecha mi-daber mirma.
Sur mei’ra va’aseh tov, bakesh shalom v’rod’feihu

Who is the man who is eager for life, who hopes for long days of good fortune?
He guards his tongue from speaking deceit,
he turns from evil and does good,
he desires peace and pursues it. (Psalm 34)

For a Son:
Y'simcha Elohim k'Efrayim v'chi M'naseh                                   
May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.

For a Daughter:

Y'simeich Elohim k'Sarah, Rivkah, Racheil, v'Le-ah                   
May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah

Priestly Benediction: Traditionally, a parent bestows the priestly benediction on his/her children. You might see parents placing their hands on their child's head or making the "live long and prosper" hand gesture (which is an ancient hand gesture of the Kohanim (priests)). In modern times, you can bestow the priestly benediction on a friend, family member, or child.

Y’var-ekh’cha A-do-nai v’yeesh’m’recha.                                     
Ya-eir A-do-nai pa-nav ei-ley-cha vee-chu-nei-cha.                    
Yee-sa A-do-nai pa-nav ei-lay-cha v’ya-sem l’cha sha-lom.

May God bless you and watch over you.
May God's face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May God's face be lifted up to you and grant you peace. 

(Numbers 6:24-26)

haggadah Section: Kadesh
Source: Sarah Ettinger