Humanist Wine Blessing

B'rucha ha-Aretz, B'rucha ha-Shemesh, Baruch ha-Geshem.

Ha-Boreem P'ri ha-Gafen.

Blessed are the earth, the sun, and the rain.

Which bring forth the fruit of the vine.

Active Feminine Language Wine Blessing

Nevareich et Eyn haChayim, ruach haOlam, boreit p’ri haGafen

Let us bless the source of life, spirit of all worlds, creator of the fruit of the vine

Traditional Masculine Language Wine Blessing

Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech haOlam, borei p’ri haGafen

Blessed are you, YHVH our God, ruler of all worlds, creator of the fruit of the vine

Feminine Language Mitzvah Blessing

Brucha aht Yah shekhinah ruach haOlam asher kideshatnu b’mitzvotecha v’tzivatnu: ___________________

Blessed are you YHVH, sheltering presence, spirit of all worlds, who made us kadosh with your mitzvot and directed us to:_______________________

haggadah Section: Introduction