Raise the second cup of wine


In every generation a person is obligated to regard himself as if he had come out of Egypt, as it is written: "You shall tell your child on that day, it is because of this that the Lord did for me when I left Egypt." The Holy One redeemed from slavery; we, too, were redeemed with them, as it is written: "He took us out from there so that He might take us to the land which He had sworn to our fathers."


Therefore it is our duty to thank, to laud, to praise, to glorify, to exalt, to adore, to bless, to elevate and to honor the One who did all these miracles for our fathers and for us. He took us from slavery to freedom, from sorrow to joy, and from mourning to festivity, and from deep darkness to great light, and from bondage to redemption. Let us therefore recite before Him Halleluyah-Praise God!


Halleluyah-Praise God! Offer praise, you servants of the Lord; praise the Name of the Lord. May the Lord's Name be blessed from now and to all eternity. From the rising of the sun to it’s setting, the Lord's Name is praised. The Lord is high above all nations; His glory is over the heavens. Who is like the Lord, our god, who dwells on high yet looks down so low upon heaven and earth? He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the dunghill, to seat them with nobles, with the nobles of His people. He restores the barren woman to the house, into a joyful mother of children. Halleluyah-Praise God!


Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has redeemed us and our fathers from Egypt and enabled us to attain this night to eat matzah and mirror. So too, Lord our God and God of our fathers, enable us to attain other holidays and festivals that will come to us in peace- with happiness in the rebuilding of Your city, and with rejoicing in Your service. Then we shall eat of the sacrifices and of the Passover offerings whose blood shall be sprinkled on the wall of Your altar for acceptance; and we shall thank You with a new song for our redemption and for the deliverance of our souls. 

Blessed are You, Lord, who redeemed Israel. 


Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. 

(Drink the second cup of wine)

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings