Biur Chametz - Almog Karp

I sat and thought to my self about what I should make Dvar Torah. We just had to clean the kitchen from all the milk was spilled on the floor, and then I reminded that , Cleaning, Pessach, chamez! It's perfect ! We all know when mom start cleaning before Passover, She does not leave any room with a bit of dust . Is this the meaning of the holiday? Is it Passover? We all know that. Passover it is something deeper, The cleaning we need to do is not just in our homes, In our rooms ,its not only outside. All of us need to do an inner cleaning, inner search, each of us need to check how clean it is inside of him. Passover comes out right in the middle of the year .its the perfect time to check how happy we are about the process we did this year. Unfortunately it is also near the end of our amazing year together. And just before the end, all of us should do a little break, to see into his soul, and see which chametz is already thrown out, and what else he has to work on. I am proud to see the process that each of you has made. youhad this year the big zechut to do yourcleaning here, in Israel . I hope youguys will remember this Passover for an years. I hope the verse "לשנה הבאה בירושלים הבנויה ״ becomes true for you very soon!

Love, Almog

haggadah Section: Introduction