Be Our (Pesach) Guest!

Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride

and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.

And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a

chair as the dining room proudly presents -

your seder!

Be our guest! Be our guest!

Put our seder to the test!

Put a pillow on your chair, cherie

And lean slightly to the left

Gefilte fish


With charoset it’s delish!

Where’s the challah?

We have matzah!

Don't believe me? Ask your fatha!

It is said, “don’t eat bread!”

We’ll make sure, miss, that you’re fed

A Hillel dinner’s never second best!

Go on and pour your first glass

And relax on your (tuchus)

Be our guest

Ken, our guest

Be our guest!

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Felicia Lilien and Rob Gleisser