Bashana haba'a
Neishev al hamirpeset
Ve'nispor tziporim nodedot,

Yeladim bechufsha
Yesachak'u tofeset
Bein habayit l've'in hasadot 

Od tireh, od tireh
Kama tov yihiyeh
Bashana, bashana haba'a

Anavim adumim
Yavshilu ad ha'erev
Ve'yugshu tzone'nim lashulchan,

Ve'ruchot redumim
Yis'u al em haderech
Itonim yeshanim v'anan.

Od tir eh, od tir eh,

Bashana haba'a
Nifros kapot yadayim
Mul ha'or hanigar halavan,

Anafa levana
Tifros ka'or k'nafayim
V'hashemesh tizrach b'tochan.

Od tir eh, od tir eh, 

Next year we will sit on the porch and count migrating birds.
Children on vacation will play catch between the house and the fields.

You will yet see, you will yet see, how good it will be next year.

Red grapes will ripen till the evening, and will be served chilled to the table.
And languid winds will carry to the crossroads old newspapers and a cloud. 

You will yet see, you will yet see, how good it will be next year.

Next year we will spread out our hands towards the radiant light.
A white heron like a light will spread her wings and within then the sun will rise.

You will yet see, you will yet see, how good it will be next year.

haggadah Section: Songs